The Floating Head

A Story By Nea Wiseman

          T’was a fine morning, with the rich autumn smells thrilling our senses. Snail, Tic, Wee Willy and I were sitting at the kitchen table having a nice cup of hot cocoa while we looked out the window, admiring the garden. Today was an extra special day for it was Halloween Eve and we planned a big celebration that night, to express our gratitude to Nature and have a bit of fun and mischief.

          Snail yawned and began to say something about it being so peaceful when there arose such a piercing screech from the forest we all froze in alarm. Before I could gather my scattered wits to take action, a blur of movement erupted from the forest and a most horrifying apparition slammed right into the window. Oh, it was ghastly! As it pressed it’s deranged face against the glass, worms crawled out of its large slack mouth and writhed around the club like hands that beat on the window pane. Beady eyes stared unblinking at us from under an old tattered hat. As the tremors of fear cleared from my brain, my first impression of the beastly apparition changed. Those were not worms crawling out of its mouth, it was straw. Beady eyes, indeed! I pushed my chair back and said, “That creature is Sylvain’s scarecrow!”

Scarecrow At The Window

          We jumped up and ran out the door to help the scarecrow for he was obviously in a panic. The stitches on his mouth had burst open in his attempt to yell out what had frightened him and now he was spitting straw everywhere. At best, the scarecrow talked gibberish anyway so we couldn't understand a word he was saying. Finally we tried having him mime his story and he ran about the yard, his loose-jointed body getting into the most ridiculous and impossible poses.

Scarcrow Dancing Scarcrow Dancing Scarcrow Dancing Scarcrow Dancing Scarcrow Dancing

          Tic leaned toward me and whispered, “Are you sure this isn't a trick?

          I was shaking my head and trying not to laugh. “Don't think so Tic, I think this is serious. We just haven't asked the right questions yet.”

          We finally worked out that the scarecrow, whose name was Hedge, had been let off the hook since the corn harvest and was wandering down by Kachoome Creek when he saw a dreadful sight. What the sight was we could not quite figure out until, in desperation, Hedge yanked off his head and held it out away from his body.

Scarecrow Throws His Head

          Well, I might have fainted had I not known scarecrows are magical creatures and a needle and thread puts them to rights again. “Oh, I think I know what it is,” says I “It’s a headless horseman out for a haunting.” It was the eve the dead came walking, or riding in this case, so it was a truly frightening thought. A headless horseman wants living heads. We all trembled a bit, but Hedge was shaking his detached head in a vigorous, no!

          Snail waved his arms and jumped up and down, “I think he means a bodiless head.” Hedge nodded his detached head, a vigorous yes, and then tried to throw it in the air. Of course, it promptly fell to earth. His hand felt around until it found his head again and then he threw it even higher in the air and pointed. “Maybe he means, the head is falling, no the bodiless head is floating.” said Snail, sniggering just a little. The scarecrow retrieved his head once more and sagged in relief, nodding his head yes, very slowly.

          I was doubtful, a floating head seemed a perfect Halloween trick to play on us. Although the scarecrow did not seem to be in on the hugger-muggery. He was truly frightened and if this floating head was real it might be a great danger, every bit as much as a headless horseman.

          We dragged Hedge and his head into the kitchen and I sewed him back together while the young ones ran around collecting what members of our family they could find. When they arrived I had made my decision, we would go into the forest and find this floating head and find out if it could do any real damage.

          This would be changing our plans for a celebration that night but I made sure we had an abundance of good treats and drink to take along. We also wore our long cloaks as they helped us blend into the surrounding forest and harder to see by flying creatures or floating heads. If someone was playing a trick on us we would find out soon enough!

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          It was late in the day when we entered the portal to the true forest. We wanted to cross Kachoome Creek before dusk and make camp at the edge of the forest, hidden beneath the trees, because on this night, there was more than floating heads to worry about. It is said that on Halloween Eve, the dead walk as the living and I sure wasn't going to have some walking Wraith take one of my little ones.

          We watched the sunset as we ate and talked quietly, making a plan of how we would proceed if there was real trouble. Hedge had got across to us in his wordless way two other facts about the floating head. It glowed in the dark and it seemed to be heading in the southwesterly direction. By our calculation, it should be passing by our campsite at just about moonset. Snail volunteered to keep the first watch, brave lad! It meant being out from under the protection of the trees, exposed to the full sky.

          Harkin pulled out his harp and we whispered through a few of our favorite songs, not taking our eyes off Snail for one minute. I was hoping the wait would not be too long for the dark was deepening and eerie tendrils of a strange yellow fog were seeping into the shadows of the night.

          The fog didn't seem natural to me and I jumped up suddenly afraid for Snail. Just as I was about to yell for him, he yelled to me. “Grandmother Phee, I see it! It has glowing eyes and I think it-it sees me!” The last part came out in a yelp and then Snail was crashing through the bramble full speed. Harkin and Emily ran out and scooped him up and brought him safely to me.

The Floating Head Floats

          The poor lad was distraught, “It-it’s huge Grandma Phee! It’s eyes are glowing and I think I saw stuff moving around inside it, like guts or brains and it has long shining fangs, and big whiskers, and a gigantic mouth that could swallow us all at once, and big swirling eyes!” I finally, very gently, put my hand over the lad’s mouth as he was scaring everyone very badly. If he continued, Purdy was certainly going to have hysterics and Wart was already circling about making some of his more ominous sounds.

          Harkin had gone down to where Snail had stood watch and came back at a run. “It is a huge floating, er, glowing thing, and coming straight at us, Phee,” he said in a quivering voice, the lad did lack a certain poetic skill when he was nervous. “I could hardly see it for the fog though, so it won't see us.” he added with relief and plopped down on the ground next to Emily.

          Seeing us was one thing, but if the creature was supernatural, could it not sense our presence just as easily? This possibility made me shudder. No, I could not take the chance. “I will have to confront it.” I said, in a matter of fact way. After all, it was my duty to protect these dear ones, was I not the Fairy Godmother? I sniffed and straightened my shoulders. Everyone was silently staring at me as I picked up my staff and pulled my wand from my hair. I looked at them and said, “Wait here. If I do not return you must go straight away through the forest to the portal.”

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The Surprise

          Before I could give them any more instruction the whole group scuttled over to cling to me. As I walked out from under the trees, they trailed me like shadow. I sighed, tried once more to send them back, but it did no good. Soon we were all standing, or I was standing in front and they were all crouched behind me, under the open sky watching, round eyed and shivering, as a very colossal glowing shape slowly drifted toward us.

          As the shape loomed above us, I was not sure anyone was breathing as not a sound came forth, not even Wart who had turned coward and was hiding under my robe. At first, the floating thing did appear to be a foul wicked demon with his brains roiling about inside the glowing membrane of his head, but that changed. Within seconds, as the fog shifted, a new impression formed. It appeared more like a giant pumpkin, yes, it was a giant glowing pumpkin with shadows and lights moving inside it.

Giant Pumpkin

          Then the fog magically slithered away and all was clear and such a surprise we all laughed. This giant pumpkin was full of fairies. One waved and called to us, “Hallo, dear Phee, are you hunting monsters?” We could hear tittering and giggling inside the pumpkin and then more fairies leaned out, calling and teasing. “It’s about time we found you, are you coming to the party, Phee?” “Where are your costumes?”

          The floating pumpkin was slowly drifting away from us, but one last fairy called to us, “Come along and follow us. We are going to join the Royal Court to dance the night away”.

Royal Fairy Court Was Meeting

          “Oh my,” said I. The Royal Fairy Court was meeting, probably in the Twilight Circle of Qwynwiren, for a Halloween celebration. I was beginning to think somebody really had been pulling my leg! We quickly picked up our camp and chased after the floating pumpkin. Before long we could see through the great trees many sparkling lights and shapes. The air was humming with energy and glowing with magic. The Royal Court! How beautiful they were, in their grand costumes aglitter with jewels.

          Diafonys and Nessa came up close to my ear, their eyes big and lustrous with excitement. “How can we go to something so brilliant, Grandmother Phee?” asked Nessa. I smiled at her and laid my finger beside my nose. “Easy!” said I, for was I not the Fairy Godmother? I opened my inexhaustible satchel and lo and behold, the wonders that came forth! Beautiful court dresses and uniforms trimmed with jewels and lace and embroidery. When we were all dressed we joined, no we disappeared into the throng, the lively laughter, the wondrous lights and movements, our identities hidden by masks made of satin and silver, trimmed with feathers and fine gems. This would be a Halloween we would remember forever.

I hope you had fun!
Your friend, Phee McFaddell

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